
The National Women’s Hockey League is history. Welcome, Premier Hockey Federation.

September 8, 2021

North America’s first women’s professional hockey league to pay players a salary is adopting the new name on Tuesday as part of a rebranding to reflect sweeping changes made to its management structure, coupled with an influx of private ownership entering its seventh season.

“The league has come a long way since its inception in 2015, and we believe that this is the right time and the right message as we strengthen our commitment to growing the game and inspiring youth,” commissioner Ty Tumminia told The Associated Press. “It really mirrors what we are doing. Everything about us is new as we’re heading into this new era.”

The decision to change names also provided the six-team federation an opportunity to make a social statement by removing gender from its title.

“We felt it’s time for our players to be defined by their talent and skill,” Tumminia said. “It’s not like they’re female phenomenal. You’re just phenomenal.”

In billing the change “No Labels, No Limits,” the federation also focused on having its new title be more inclusive by respecting the various gender identities of its players and fanbase. AP