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February 14, 2022
How Thru-Hiking the AT Affected My Body Image
Initially I was drawn to before-and-after photos of thru-hikers, but after I finished my first long trail, I saw these posts for what they were: unhealthy Before my first thru-hike, I didn’t own a scale and never knew what I weighed. I enjoyed beer and bread, and running and hiking. People...
February 1, 2022
How 9 Olympians and Paralympians Practice Self-Care
Self-care is the steps you take to tend to your physical and emotional health to the best of your ability. By definition it refers to all the things you do for your body and mind that keep you functioning optimally, explains Susan Masterson, PhD, a psychologist in Lexington, Kentucky, whose...
January 31, 2022
Eating disorders and professional cycling: the thin end of the wedge
Former Slovenian pro Janez ‘Jani’ Brajkovič raced in the Tour de France, the Vuelta and the Giro, but in private he was battling a series of harrowing eating disorders. As a bulimic, Brajkovič would routinely make himself sick after eating. But Brajkovič is not alone: a recent study in the...
December 20, 2021
Women Set the Pace/100 Challenge
Toronto, Canada /SPORTSWIRE WOMEN/ - Keep moving. Keep fit. Keep having fun. And be ready to rock the 2022 race season when the warmer weather hits! That’s the message that the Toronto Women’s Run Series wants to convey as it launches its newest and most unique challenge, the Women Set...
November 22, 2021
Patented Sports Bra Offers Unprecedented Support, Comfort and Customizability! Designed By Former D-1 Soccer Player & Personal Trainer.
Tahoe, CA (November 2021) The Betts Fit Sports Bra was designed to solve the "comfortable or supportive?" conundrum by someone who has lived it. A DDD and former D-1 soccer player & personal trainer, Catherine Betts was plagued by debilitating neck pain and postural problems that wearing three bras couldn't...
November 2, 2021
Designer Wellness Introduces Designer Smoothie, a Shelf Stable and Portable Protein Fruit Snack
CARLSBAD, CA, - November 2, 2021— Designer Wellness, the trusted source for nutrient-filled protein powders and other wellness products, today introduced Designer Smoothie, a shelf stable and portable protein fruit smoothie that is made with real fruit, contains 12 grams of whey protein isolate, is all natural, gluten free, has...
September 8, 2021
Exercise for 3 Minutes, Every Half-Hour, to Counter the Ill Effects of Sitting
Sitting for hours at a desk can play havoc with our metabolic health, contributing over time to high blood sugar and high cholesterol, even in people who otherwise seem mostly healthy. But a practical though small new study shows that standing up and moving every 30 minutes for about three minutes...